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Press about DUFFHUES album ‘Murder call’
Luminous Dash (BE) – As if we opened a jewel box, and inside we found our favourite and shiniest black stones we considered lost…
OOR Magazine (NL) – The listener is getting sucked into Duffhues own twilight world, or into that of a homicide detective with a calling for murder cases and alcohol. Sinister without a wink.
Heaven Magazine (NL) – MURDER CALL is the title of his new and dark album, excorsizing like Mark Lanegan.
Lust for Life Magazine (NL) – Everything about this album is ominous. But ominous in a convincing way, and that is what counts
Kippenvel (NL) – In the sound image his intense vocals are central, next to his electric guitar, because DUFFHUES does not contemplate, but crawls into lyrics and music into the skin and brains of his characters. Maybe that’s the reason his singing sounds raw and emotional, because his voice sounds dented and damaged.